Some Linux Fun Tips that Can Make Linux More Fun, Based on Raspberry Pi Installation

Some Quick Linux Tips that Can Make Life Easier, Based on Raspberry Pi Installation

Los Angeles, CA - Py Pai

(1) Add time stamp to command prompt

Add the following line to the bottom of ~/.bashrc
PS1='[\t \u@\h:\w] $ '

(2) Install Sys V banner and figlet

Sys V Banner is a great command to generate big text. such as, typing "banner Hello!" will yield,

#     #                                   ###
#     #  ######  #       #        ####    ###
#     #  #       #       #       #    #   ###
#######  #####   #       #       #    #    #
#     #  #       #       #       #    #
#     #  #       #       #       #    #   ###
#     #  ######  ######  ######   ####    ###

sudo apt install sysvbanner

Similarly, Figlet does similar thing: 

sudo apt install figlet

(3) Fortune command

This is a often forgotten fun command. Type "fortune" and it would generate a random fortune cookie quote. Definitely can add to your .bashrc file and you will get a fortune cookie each time you log in.

sudo apt install fortune-mod

You can even create your own fortune database file: 

vim myfortune # fill with quotes separated by a line with %
strfile -c % myfortune myfortune.dat

# test it by
fortunte myfortune

# to be permanently included:
sudo cp myfortune* /usr/share/games/fortunes/ #two files only

# Again, to be automatically invoked in a new terminal
add "fortune" to the end of ./.bashrc file

(4) Rig - random identiy/name generator

If you fancy to create a random name for test users, or a new identity...

sudo apt install rig

(6) Check wifi signal strength quality

sudo apt install wavemon

(7) Asciiview - view jpg pictures in ASCII format

sudo apt install aview
sudo apt install imagemagick
asciiview abc.jpg

(8) Display images on headless display via ssh without X

ssh (remote host)
sudo apt install fbi
sudo fbi -a -u -T 1 -t 5 (your jpg location)/*.jpg

(9) Weather in CLI / Command line

# must install curl first if not there already
# LAX= airport (LAX), or zip (90001), etc.
# check usage of the program

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